„Servus“ is a very useful word in Augsburg. It can either mean „hello“ or „goodbye“. And as we do not know if you – David Blitzer – have ever been to Augsburg or speak a bit of German this is my first advice for you: Coming or leaving, „servus“ is mostly the right choice. So let’s start with a „Servus“ to you now that we know that you are joining us in cheering on our beloved FC Augsburg.
Now some basic information about football in Germany (that you call soccer). You might be a nice guy overall, nevertheless we are quite sceptic concerning investors in our football clubs. The majority of our clubs is still owned by the associations and their members. FC Augsburg is an anomaly in that field as over 99 percent of the shares were sold over twenty years ago in order to avoid bankrupcy. In the meantime, nobody undertook serious efforts to get those shares back to the association owning the remaining 0.6 percent.

Still, according the statues of the German Football League, FC Augsburg is controlled by the members of the association owning the remaining 0.6 percent of shares. And in Augsburg we mostly believe that this is the right thing. I am not aware of how transparent this was to you when you signed the relevant contracts. We see it as an advantage to be a group of many striving for the same goals and values and are happy to have you on board.
And of course, we want our club to flourish.We are aware that in the Bundesliga, success is highly dependant on the economic circumstances of each club. The money that bought your shares with does not better the situation of FC Augsburg a bit until you decide to increase the capital of the club and make it possbile to invest even further in the infrastructure and the team. This year would be a great year to make a push for some short-term improvements. Due to the Covid situation some clubs will struggle in the Bundesliga. A recent study showed that about 1/3 of the clubs could be facing economic turmoil. Talent will be available cheaper during this summer transfer period and you would get more value for each of your precious bucks.

But be aware, even if you recognized that we are not playing the best football in the moment (and you might even have regretted putting your money in this club), we wouldn’t want your money and know-how at all costs. Our colours and their order (red-green-white) and the tradition and values of this club are not for sale. We would never change the name of our club or what it represents. You can join us in supporting our cause or leave us be.
And even when you meet some „Grantler“ in the city of Augsburg, be assured that we can party like champions when we reach the European cup competition (even if this seems like a bit of a stretch right now). In case of a Bundesliga championship, which hopefully is closer now with you on board, we would also very much enjoy the festive headline „Flitzer Blitzer“. Klaus Hofmann will for sure explain what you gotta do when the time comes. Nobody would want to argue his competencies regarding over the top fan behaviour.

Well, David, we learnt that a big part of shares in the company owning our football club was sold to you. This club, FC Augsburg, is an important part of our lives. We have been at the brink of relegation quite a few times (better google the concept sooner rather than later). I tried not to lose my humour about the sale of the club and be open minded on who is joining us in our mission.
Klaus Hofmann introduced you as a partner. It is hard to form a partnership without knowing each other. I myself and many others would really appreciate if you would take the time to introduce yourself somehow and answer a few questions. You could always join the fans supporting the team before the important match against Bremen and paint a few banners with them. The guys would love to teach you a few songs as well. And perhaps you might enjoy not only being an investor but would like to become a friend. At least some of us believe in the best of football, bringing together people with the most diverse backgrounds and having a great time together. Call us romantic, when we would follow this club whereever it takes us (and hopefully not the second division). You coming?